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Green building is good for the environment. It is good for our health. It is essential for the future.
How LEED certification can help your business.
1. It sets you above in a competitive landscape.
Green buildings are attracting attention from a growing number of buyers and tenants who prefer lower operating costs and healthier indoor environments. When developers chose green for newconstruction, occupancy increases 6.4 percent and rent 6.1 percent for new construction. For existing buildings undergoing green updates, occupancy increases 2.5 percent and rent increases 1 percent. See the cost benefits of green building, according to building owners, at McGraw Hill Construction(2010). Green Outlook 2011: Green Trends Driving Growth.
Occupants also tend to appreciate the “bragging rights” that accompany a LEED badge of honor.
# posted by @ 10:39 PM